Songs for voice and piano or other instruments

(click on each purple title for details) C4 is Middle C





  I Could Not Keep Love Down
  (words: anon.) (1973)
sd listen to extract
C4 to G5
  Midsummer Night's Dream
  (words: W. Shakespeare) (1977)
sd listen to extract
D4 to E5
  The Vacant Day
  (words: W. De La Mare) (1983)
C4 to E5
  (words: W. De La Mare) (1982)
sd listen to extract
C4 to C5
Fernhill (words: Dylan Thomas) (1979)
C4 to A5
Clair De Lune (words: Paul Verlaine) (1979)
D4 to A5
Autumn (words: John Keats) (1980)
A4 to G5
Melancholy (words: John Keats) (1980)
C4 to A5
The Sunken Garden (words: W. De La Mare) (1982)
B3 to A5
Music (words: W. De La Mare) (1987)
C#4 to A5
Peewit (words: Ian Emberson) (1988)
C4 to F5
March Sunset (words: John Bartlett) (1987)
Bb3 to G5
Kennst Du Das Land (words: Goethe) (1987) (with clarinet)
two parts
C#4 to A5
Sky (words: Ian Emberson) (1995)
C4 to A5
L'Albatros (words: Charles Baudelaire) (2001)
Bb3 to F5
Reflections (words Ian Emberson) (2005)  (with flute)
two parts
C4 to G5
Invincible (words: John Bartlett) (2009) (song from Gold Star Agency) (Tenor vce with pno acc)
D4 to G5
Messages from Distant Shores (words: Ian Emberson) (2010) (13 songs with various instruments; each song available separately
            ea. song
Soprano and Tenor
I am the Boy (2010) (from Messages from Distant Shores) (Tenor voice with pno accomp.)
sd listen to extract
D2 to F#3
I Have Painted The Sea (2010) (from Messages from Distant Shores) (Baritone voice with pno accomp.)
listen to extract
B2 to E3
A New and Different Me (2010) (from Gold Star Agency) (Low voice with piano accompaniment)
listen to extract
D4 to G5
Transcendental (2011) (from Gold Star Agency) (Voice with piano accompaniment)
listen to extract
C4 to Eb5
Un Spirito Amoroso (words Dante Alighieri (2012)
listen to extract
E4 to F#5
Ode on a Grecian Urn (words John Keats) (1981/2014) (Baritone vce with piano accomp.)
listen to extract
A2 to Eb3
Baïlerô - Shepherd's Song of the High Auvergne (1980) (arranged for voice and guitar by John Bartlett) (music: Joseph Canteloube)
D3 to C4
Here I Sit  (words by Walter De La Mare) (2018)
sd listen to extract
C3 to E4
Killing is Wrong  (from The Vegan Vampire) (2018)
D3 to E4
I Love The Way You Think  (from The Vegan Vampire) (2018) listen to extract with Sarah Hartley,soprano
Bb2 to F4
My Father's Field  (words by Ian Emberson) (2020)
B2 to E4
The House Where My Loved One Lived  (words by Ian Emberson) (2023)
Ab2 to Db4
To Pine In A Dungeon  (words by Evelyn De Morgan) (2023)
B2 to E4
The Heavenly City  (words by Stevie Smith) (2024)
B2 to E4
The Reawakening  (words by Walter De La Mare) (2024)
sd listen to extract
D3 to E4
The Listeners  (words by Walter De La Mare) (2024)
Ab2 to Eb4
On The Spot  (from The Game Show) (2021)
C3 to E4



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